Thursday, August 1, 2013

Full Circle in 192 Ways are not seeing things!

Yes...this is a graphic of the
here in The Play Date Cafe.

Back then, my partner Sarah Anderson & I only
imagined the fun if we could make
a go of our give folks a 'general' color palette
and let them run with it
they could make

Cards...Layouts...Cupcakes...Jewelry...Wall Decor
Centerpieces...Scarves...Digital work...
Mixed Media...Assemblage...

Each week, a Sarah & myself would take turns hosting
using a graphic of our choice.
This was Sarah's first graphic...

Not long after that, we knew Ruby McGuire had a
super eye for color & design and she lent her
hand to the color stories...

For the past two plus years, we have been super-privileged to
not only have 
Jaclyn Miller on our team,
but also as our Color Story Coordinator.
She has brought some of the most creative & on-trend color combos
for our players each week.

Did you know that our challenge was the
she ever entered!

This color story became a player FAVORITE...

AND....Who can forget our 
'Color Splash' challenge?

This our last 'splash' to share.

Julie Ranae here with you....

It is with a sad but grateful heart to announce
The Play Date Cafe is now closed.

I could share a variety of reasons why the timing is right,
and a few reasons why I still have second thoughts.

When my bestie Sarah and I set out to do this challenge, our hope was to
meet designers from all over the world who would enjoy coming
by to share their work in our gallery, and that' exactly what happened.
We had also hoped to make some long-term friends as well.
That MOST DEFINITELY happened!

Each designer that joined our team
(please see our side bar & our alumni page above)
started out as strangers, but quickly became friends,
sharing triumphs & tragedies during their journey on this team.
Several designers took on roles in an administrative capacity
including internal communication, social media & so much more.

I've had the honor of  remaining friends outside of The Cafe
with nearly all the designers who have served on this team.

We've had
amazing designers
on our team
and over
wonderful guest designers.

And our sponsors!!!

Please take some time to visit the 'sponsors' pages
above & check out all the fabulous support we have received
over the past {nearly} four years.
On behalf of our team here at The Cafe, we thank each one.

As for the 'Cup of the Week' from recent
previous challenges, we will contact those folks directly
to share their prizes.
Thank you for your patience.

There are only a handful of challenges that make it to
Challenge #192
I am proud to say that The Play Date Cafe is one.

It was my decision to end on a quiet note.
We thought about having a month-long farewell party
(as we are inclined to do here in The Cafe)
but it's my preference to take this one opportunity to
of The Play Date Cafe.

As I end this letter to you all,
I am reminded of the 'heart-shaped' teardrop of our

The tears that well as I finish this post are all in the shape
of this heart....I am forever grateful for your love & support
and for your part in making
The Play Date Cafe

~ Much love.....Julie


  1. Well I never saw that coming! Thanks to you and all the designers for all the inspiration Julie...I've really enjoyed taking part in PDC. Best of luck for everything you do in the future x

  2. Whoa, I am totally side-blinded by this news! What can I say, this was one of my very first challenges I entered when I started my blog, and I will miss it tremendously. I appreciate all your hard work and fun challenges along the way. Best wishes to all of you as you pursue future has been a pleasure hanging out in the Play Date Cafe with you!

  3. I am sad to see this, but I do understand how some good things do have to come to an end! Thank you for this super wonderful challenge blog, Julie and Sarah, and all the past/current DT! Wish everyone in this DT the best in your future endeavor! You will be missed!

  4. Say what?? Aww, I am sad to see this go. :( Best of luck to everyone and thanks for all your work!

  5. You'll be missed bunches and bunches!

  6. So sorry and sad to hear this Julie. But so glad to hear that you are moving forward on a positive note, no doubt to other opportunities. Thank you for the time and opportunity The Play Date Cafe gave me as a designer and craft-a-holic. Wishing you all the very best Julie for more wonderful times ahead. Fiona xx

  7. How sad to read this post - even though I haven't joined in with you for a long time I have watched each week for the new colours. It has been a wonderful adventure and I wish you all the luck for whatever your next adventure is!! Thanks for 192 fun challenges!.

  8. I found out about your challenges not that long ago and loved to join them as much as I could.. I am sad to hear this was the last challenge.. I am going to miss it!!! Thank you for the great challenges!!!

  9. This is sad news Julie but to grow you have to keep moving forward. I am very glad to have "met" you through the PDC and enjoy our online friendship. I'm sure you'll be having some new wonderful things you'll be up to and we can follow.

  10. So sad when I've only recently found you, but thanks for your inspiration and good luck for whatever the future holds.

  11. So sad!!! Just as I was getting back into crafting mode too....

    Best wishes and happiness to all at the Play Date Cafe!!!

  12. All the best Julie and team....I only just found you on challenge 192!....but I found your post quite sad to read...I too wish you all the best of happiness for your future!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. What a sad post ... but a success story too ... I have enjoyed playing along and being inspired by the challenges even when I couldn't join in ... Best Wishes to all and thanks for the fun

  15. I'm so sad to read this - Play Date was my very first challenge too and your color story is something that I look forward to each and every week. Best of luck to you all and thanks for everything! You have awakened a creative bug in me that will never be squashed!

  16. So sad to see you go, but wishing the best for all of you! Thank you for having all the challenges here!!

  17. So sad to see you close up shop but what a ride, eh? You've filled the paper crafting community with so much color and inspiration!

  18. Sad to see the end of one of my first challenges :( but THANK YOU so much for all the inspiration!!!!

  19. So sad to see the end. This was one of my first challenges and quickly became my favorite. Thanks for all the inspiration ♥

  20. Ohhhh nooo you make me feel very sad one of my favorite challengeblogs comes to an end. I have played on a regular base and always enjoyed it very much caan only say thank you for the insipration and bringing my work on a higher level. I'm sure I'm gonna miss it always looking out for the next colorscheme but well there is a time of coming and a time of going. I wish you all the best,sniff.

  21. I am sorry to hear this, but I understand having the vision and the creativity to move on. Thanks for being an inspiration!

  22. Wow! So sad to see the challenge has come to an end! Wishing you all the best & thanks for being such a great inspiration over the years! :)

  23. I have been so inspired by your weekly challenges. Thank you!

  24. I know how hard that was for you to both do and write! It is sad to see the challenge end. I made new friends and enjoyed the creative push the challenges gave me. But there is a time for everything, and sadly, this was the time for the cafe to close x x

  25. What a shock! So very sad to see the end of this challenge - one of my favourites! I've always enjoyed checking out the colours you've picked - sad to have missed the last challenge - it was a dozy!! Good luck to you all in your future projects!

  26. Sad to see this end but thank you for the inspiration along the way!

  27. Thank you, I've so enjoyed entering your challenge and seeing all your fab DT work. Very sad that you are closing. Hugs, Sue x

  28. Thank you for all the wonderful color challenges! Sorry to see you end Play Date Cafe, but sometimes life has to move on. All the best!

  29. Sorry to say goodbye.... your challenges were an essential part of my week... thanks again.

  30. All the best for the next journey. May your future be filled with all you envisioned. This was one of my first challenges and I Thank You for the inspiration:-)

  31. So sad to see one of my favorite challenge blogs come to an end. I may not have played along every week, but I did come and visit to see what fab color combo was up for the week. You and your DT have been awesome inspiration to so many of us over the last few years......THANKS SO MUCH. I would like to wish you all good luck in your future paths.

  32. I'm sad to see this challenge site close~but I'm ever grateful for the inspiration and encouragement I received here! Blessings to you all~

  33. I'm so sad. :( Loved playing along with the you and the DT. Will miss it for sure! Thank you for keeping the challenge going for this long.

  34. ...and I was just getting to know you! Thank you for the fun time and sorry to see you go!

  35. so sad to read that you are closing up. I have had fun with your color palettes over the past year. In fact, I did the last one and missed getting it posted on time. But, if anyone wants to check it out it may be seen on my blog here:

  36. Wishing you all the best, so sorry to see the Cafe close. You hold a very special place in my heart. I received my first challenge award right here. Thank you for many many many fabulous color stories and loads of inspiration from your past and present DTs. Blessings friends ;)

  37. Whoaa...never saw that coming. Like Lisa, I received my first challenge award here. I'll miss hanging out in the cafe! Thank you so much for the fun colors combos, the many inspirations and the encouragements! Best of luck to everyone. Sniff.

  38. Always my first stop when browsing for inspiration. Thank you for your vision, kind words, dedication, and hard work. All good wishes!

  39. Oh, my goodness! I didn't have the opportunity to participate in every challenge, but I thoroughly enjoyed all the ones I entered. May you continue to find joy and success in everything that you undertake.

  40. So sad to see you go. I just wish I had found you sooner! Thanks so much for inspiring me! Best of luck to you and all the designers.

  41. This is real sad news for me coz lately, I was hooked to your lovely colors. Your challenges have been a great source of inspiration. Good luck for future :)

  42. This was the first challenge I ever played in! I hate to see it go!

  43. Your challenges will be missed!!! Play Date Cafe had some of the best colour combos out there! I didn't get to play as often as I would have like (or sometimes didn't play fast enough to have time to enter my card in the Linky before it closed), but I did save all of your combos for inspiration and referred to past challenges when I needed inspiration, which I will keep on doing. Thanks for everyone's amazing work and for lasting all the way up to challenge #192 - now, that's impressive!

    Cindy :)

  44. I'm very sad to see the challenges close but Thank-you for all those wonderful weeks of inspriation and fun - you will be missed! Hugs xx

  45. So sad to see PDCC end! Thank you for all the wonderful challenges,encouraging words and inspiration - you will be greatly missed!

  46. It was a total shock this morning when I popped over to see what the new challenge would be. To hear that a very popular and thriving blog is closing is so sad. There have been many that have closed over the past two years but I did not think yours would follow. I am glad though to hear you will be involved in other quests and hope you will be happy in what you do.


  47. I am so sad to hear this news. Yours is the first blog I turn to for inspiration; thank you for that! I will miss you, but wish you all the best.

  48. I am broken hearted!!! I stopped by to see the next color combo and to read there is no more is hard to take.

  49. What a shock. Sorry to here that it PDC is closing. It was always the best place to find wonderful inspiration. Good luck in the future.

  50. wow! I def. did not see this coming. This was one of my favorite challenges to play along with, and when there were big things to come I didn't think it meant this challenge was over. Def. bummed, but wish you the best!

  51. So sad you've decided to close, but I realise it must be a huge commitment to run a challenge blog. My first ever challenge/blogpost was PDCC132 which was a splash of colour, and my last PDCC post was a splash of colour. I've thoroughly enjoyed your challenges, and wish you all the best.

  52. Though I never participated in your challenges, I included them on my Pinterest board for challenges, and I would use them as inspiration for my future projects. Your blog has been a breathe of freshness and the designers work all inspiring. You will be sorely missed! Wishing you much happiness and for you to enjoy the new endeavors that just around the corner.

  53. What a shock, and very sad. Like Jax, PDCC was the first challenge I entered, and I even had some honorable mentions. Best of all, though, was that you let me be part of your team (my first!), and you and the rest of the team helped me through a rough time in my life. I think back on my term with fond memories. Thank you for that. Life sure has a way of keepin' on, and change is part of it. My best to you and the team in all your future crafty endeavors. I always enjoy seeing what you are up to through FB. Biggest of hugs to you, Julie!

  54. What a shock, and very sad. Like Jax, PDCC was the first challenge I entered, and I even had some honorable mentions. Best of all, though, was that you let me be part of your team (my first!), and you and the rest of the team helped me through a rough time in my life. I think back on my term with fond memories. Thank you for that. Life sure has a way of keepin' on, and change is part of it. My best to you and the team in all your future crafty endeavors. I always enjoy seeing what you are up to through FB. Biggest of hugs to you, Julie!

  55. Wow!! I will miss the FUN I had with the challenges and the inspiration that was shared!! Will you be posting the last set of winners though for the last Splash challenge!!?? THANKS and BEST of Luck to you in your future endeavors!!

  56. Oh my goodness Julie, I am shocked to read this! I am so honored to have been part of the PDCC. Best wishes to you and your family!

  57. I will miss your challenges and inspiration. They were a guide to me as I first started blogging. I will have fond memories. May God bless you all as you move on to the next endeavors life brings your way.

  58. I will miss you and your challenges. I really looked forward to them. Best of luck in whatever you do next. And, thanks for all you did running this fantastic challenge.

  59. Julie, I had a personal tradegy so I am just now seeing this. I wanted to take the time to tell you how much I LOVE the PDCC and how it helped me grow personally as a card maker. Your colors inspired me week after week and I learned so much not only from your FAB designers but other players as well. It was always a FUN place to play. I met some FAB blog friends along the way. PDCC will be missed and so will YOU! THX so much for putting your heart and soul into this color challenge! Good Luck in your next chapter.

  60. Well, I wasn't expecting that! I just popped in for a little inspiration to find this news...yes, my crafting has been somewhat sporadic of late! Like many others here, PDCC was one of the first challenges I entered as a newbie blogger and whenever I had the opportunity, I would stop by every Thursday to check out the latest challenge. I can honestly say that this blog has challenges and stretched me to use combinations of colours that I wouldn't have thought of myself and I shall miss it, especially the colour splash challenge!

    I wish you all the best for the future and look forward to seeing you and all the DT around in blogland, I'm sure our paths will cross again ;)

    Thanks for all the enjoyment you have brought to so many of us - you're all stars ;)

  61. This took me by surprise as I clicked in to see the latest challenge! Thank you for loads of fun! You ran a lovely challenge blog, Julie, and the teams have been phenomenal! I wish you all the best with your future plans!! xxoo Darnell

  62. I enjoyed all the fun challenges! I wish you all the best in your next endeavor!

  63. I'm so sad to see this...PDCC is the first challenge I came across when I start card making. And I love to come often for inspirations. I am still hoping one day I will be the cup of the day! Guess it will not happen then...

    Anyway, thank you for hosting all wonderful challenges and best wishes in your future plans. HUGS :)

  64. What a wonderful attitude about this. Thanks for posting!
    The Dance

  65. Oh no! I'm going to miss PDCC and you guys soooo much. Thank you for all the wonderful and inspiring challenges you have brought each week. Wishing you all the best.

  66. I'm so sad to find this announcement, Julie! Though I haven't had the time to play lately PDCC has always had a special place in my heart. I think it was one of the first challenges I played in, too, and I ALWAYS loved your Splash of Color challenges. This was always an uplifting positive place, and your blog will sorely be missed. Best wishes for what the future holds for you, Julie!

  67. Oh Julie, I am so sad to read this but I understand it completely!! Thank you for all the wonderful colour stories.

  68. I loved PDCC and was always encouraged by the comments the DT left on my blot. Thank you for inspiring us for so long - good luck in whatever you undertake!

  69. All the best to you in whatever comes next. PDC was a classy joint! Thanks for the fun.

  70. I have been extremely busy during the summer and was not playing stamping at all. It is a shock to me and I could not believe what has happened! PDCC has served as a great inspiraton source of color palettes to me. I sure will miss all the talented designers here. Wish you all the best. Helen

  71. Wow! I am very shocked and sad to hear that PDCC is ending! It was my very first challenge that I entered! I was always inspired with lovely wonderful creations by the design team! Wishing you great success in your future endeavors, take care!

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  79. Thanks For Sharing the wonderful article, this post is really amazing.
    - Hôm nay chúng tôi sẽ giới thiệu các bạn sản phẩm: bơ đậu phộng, bo dau phong , bơ đậu phộng ăn với gì, bơ đậu phộng bán ở đâu , Fanpage bo dau phong , . thơm ngon, cao cấp chất lượng có nhiều công dụng trong việc dưỡng da dành cho khách hàng, được đông đảo chị em phụ nữ ưa chuộng và sử dụng để săn sóc sắc đẹp của mình.
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    - Đồng thời chúng tôi còn là nhà cung cấp các loại nguyên liệu mỹ phẩm thiên nhiên như: bơ cacao, bơ ca cao, nguyên liệu mỹ phẩm handmade nguyên chất, cao cấp chất lượng có nhiều công dụng trong việc dưỡng da dành cho khách hàng, được đông đảo chị em phụ nữ ưa chuộng và sử dụng để săn sóc sắc đẹp của mình. Do đó các bạn hãy mạnh dạn chăm sóc sắc đẹp của mình bằng những phương pháp hoàn toàn tự nhiên thay vì sử dụng các loại mỹ phẩm đắt tiền nhưng chưa chắc hiệu quả như bơ cacao, bơ ca cao. Quý khách đừng ngần ngại liên hệ với chúng tôi để mua sản phẩm bơ cacao, bơ ca cao nguyên chất hoàn toàn từ tự nhiên. Cảm ơn các bạn!
    - Nếu khách hàng còn gặp nhiều khó khăn trong việc chăm sóc sắc đẹp thì sản phẩm bơ hạt mỡ, bo hat mo, shea butter, nguyên liệu mỹ phẩm handmade nguyên chất từ tự nhiên có nhiều công dụng trong việc làm mềm mịn làn da, xóa tan vết thâm nám, đẩy lùi mụn cảm và triệt để xóa nhăn. Hãy cùng chúng tôi chăm sóc sắc đẹp của bạn, chỉ có bạn mới có thể tự chăm sóc cho bạn than của mình.
    - Ngoài ra chúng tôi còn là nhà cung cấp dịch vụ ăn uống khắp toàn quốc, đặc biệt là đặc sản cơm niêu, cơm niêu sài gòn, cơm niêu vũng tàu được đông đảo khách du lịch ưa chuộng và là điểm đến khi có nhu cầu ăn uống những món ăn ngon.

  80. Thanks For Sharing the wonderful article that's really helpful for my references.
    Thanks for share
    - Hôm nay chúng tôi sẽ giới thiệu các bạn sản phẩm: bơ đậu phộng, bo dau phong , Fanpage bo dau phong , . thơm ngon, cao cấp chất lượng có nhiều công dụng trong việc dưỡng da dành cho khách hàng, được đông đảo chị em phụ nữ ưa chuộng và sử dụng để săn sóc sắc đẹp của mình.
    - Chúng tôi chuyên cung cấp đèn pha led , đèn led , đèn led siêu sáng, đèn led chiếu sáng, đèn pha led, đèn led , đèn led siêu sáng, đèn led chiếu sáng giá rẻ, chất lượng cao, bảo hành 24 tháng trên toàn quốc. Khi khách hang có nhu cầu mua hang trên toàn quốc.
    - Đồng thời chúng tôi còn là nhà cung cấp các loại nguyên liệu mỹ phẩm thiên nhiên như: bơ cacao, bơ ca cao, nguyên liệu mỹ phẩm handmade nguyên chất, cao cấp chất lượng có nhiều công dụng trong việc dưỡng da dành cho khách hàng, được đông đảo chị em phụ nữ ưa chuộng và sử dụng để săn sóc sắc đẹp của mình. Do đó các bạn hãy mạnh dạn chăm sóc sắc đẹp của mình bằng những phương pháp hoàn toàn tự nhiên thay vì sử dụng các loại mỹ phẩm đắt tiền nhưng chưa chắc hiệu quả như bơ cacao, bơ ca cao. Quý khách đừng ngần ngại liên hệ với chúng tôi để mua sản phẩm bơ cacao, bơ ca cao nguyên chất hoàn toàn từ tự nhiên. Cảm ơn các bạn!
    - Nếu khách hàng còn gặp nhiều khó khăn trong việc chăm sóc sắc đẹp thì sản phẩm bơ hạt mỡ, bo hat mo, shea butter, nguyên liệu mỹ phẩm handmade nguyên chất từ tự nhiên có nhiều công dụng trong việc làm mềm mịn làn da, xóa tan vết thâm nám, đẩy lùi mụn cảm và triệt để xóa nhăn. Hãy cùng chúng tôi chăm sóc sắc đẹp của bạn, chỉ có bạn mới có thể tự chăm sóc cho bạn than của mình.
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